The Magic of Flower Essence: Why I Carry Them Everywhere By Keri T Collins

The Magic of Flower Essence

I was recently introduced to flower essence sprays, and let me tell you—they’ve become a part of my daily routine in a way I never expected. These little bottles of nature’s magic are with me wherever I go. Each one has a different purpose, and throughout the day, I use them to keep my energy high and my mood balanced.

I have a few favorites. The Purification spray is my go-to when I need to cleanse the air around me. It’s like a fresh reset in a bottle. Whether at home, in my car, or out and about, a few sprays and it feels like the space around me is clear and light again.

Then there’s Uplifting. This one is perfect for when I feel a little heavy, maybe weighed down by stress or the demands of the day. It helps clear that stagnant energy and lifts my mood almost instantly. It’s amazing how a quick spritz can make such a difference!

One of my most cherished sprays is Calling All Angels. When I feel anxiety creeping in or need a moment of calm, this one works wonders. It’s like a gentle hug from the universe, reminding me that I’m supported and everything is going to be okay. The soothing effect it has on me is undeniable.

And then there’s Grace. Grace is the one I use all the time, just because. It’s like a reminder to move through life with ease, to allow myself to flow through whatever comes my way. There’s something about the energy of this spray that makes me feel centered, calm, and, well… full of grace.

But here’s the thing about flower essences—you have to make sure you’re using pure products. I’m really careful about where I source mine. I only trust companies that use the cleanest, most authentic ingredients, because that’s what allows the true power of the flowers to shine through. After all, if you’re using something to cleanse your energy or uplift your spirit, shouldn’t it be the purest it can be?

Flower essences aren’t just about scents; they’re about the energy and vibration they carry. These sprays can shift the energy in a room, uplift your mood, or help you release whatever’s weighing on your heart. For me, they’ve become part of how I care for myself throughout the day—clearing the air, calming my nerves, or just adding a little grace to my life.

If you haven’t tried them yet, I highly recommend giving them a go. You might just find that they become your secret weapon for staying balanced and uplifted, no matter what the day brings.

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