Why You Can’t Forget to Take Care of Yourself

Lately, I’ve been learning a powerful lesson from my energy healing coach that’s starting to reshape how I see my role as a mom, wife, business owner, and, most importantly, as me. The message is simple but deep: When I attend to my own needs, I show up better for everyone else. When I’m fulfilled, I can help others feel that way too.

I used to think that self-care was something to squeeze into the corners of my life—after I’d done everything else. But I’m realizing now that taking care of myself isn’t a luxury; it’s essential. When I fill my cup, it’s not just me who benefits; it’s everyone I care about. When I feel nourished and energized, I can give so much more to others. And let’s face it—we all know when we feel drained, we’ve got nothing left to give.

For me, filling my cup comes from the little things that excite me and make me feel alive. Food is a big part of that. I love wandering through farmers markets, picking out fresh produce that calls to me, and taking my time in the kitchen. There’s something special about creating a meal from scratch, savoring the process, and truly enjoying the food. It’s like a form of meditation in itself—food that nourishes my body and lights up my soul.

Another thing that fills me up? Thrifting. I’m obsessed with taking something old and turning it into something new. It’s my way of being creative while helping reduce waste. There’s something so satisfying about finding hidden treasures and giving them new life—it’s both a creative outlet and a small way to make the world a little better. Plus, thrifting connects me to my values around sustainability.

Learning is also a huge passion of mine. Whether it’s about food, health, or new ways to heal the body, I’m always seeking out knowledge. I love discovering how to keep myself and others healthy. Helping someone overcome a health issue or just bringing a smile to their face with something I’ve learned brings me so much joy. But here’s the thing: I can’t share that joy unless I’ve made space to fill my own life with it first.

A non-negotiable for me these days is meditation. Every morning, I take time to meditate because it brings me back to the present moment—the only place we should really be living. Meditation grounds me and helps me find clarity before the day rushes in. It’s like hitting a reset button, reminding me to stay calm and connected no matter what happens.

And let’s not forget exercise. Moving my body is another key to feeling balanced. Whether it’s a long walk, yoga, or just dancing around the house, getting my blood pumping makes me feel strong and capable. Exercise isn’t just about keeping my body healthy; it’s about keeping my mind clear and my energy high.

So here’s my message: Don’t forget to take care of yourself. You deserve it. And when you do, you’ll find that you show up in your life with more joy, more energy, and more love to give. When you make yourself smile, you’re better able to bring smiles to everyone else.

And isn’t that what we’re all here to do?

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